Finally out! It’s never been faster to upgrade to a new operating system since its launch. No dvd shipping, just hit the button Download and it’s gone. 33 minutes to install and voilà! The only trouble is that not the scroll gesture works like on the iPhone so you move […]
Archivi Mensili: Luglio 2011
3 articoli
Tutto inizia con il cercare una grotta segnata sulla carta dei sentieri 1:25000 delle Alte valli d’Ayas e del Lys. Poi 800 metri di dislivello dopo ti trovi a saltellare per una pietraia con gps in una mano e cartina nell’altra cercando un ago in un pagliaio… alla fine […]
[…] When VISA and MasterCard will happily provide services to the Klu Klux Klan, but not to WikiLeaks, it is time to act. The issue received previous prominence, but the unlawful blockade continues, on Christmas day, the Dec 25 New York Times editorial wrote: The whistle-blowing Web site WikiLeaks has […]