Nowadays most adventures are somehow tamed and far away from being truly challenging. This way motorcyclists traveling “alone” all the way down through Africa have an entire crew with three cars to follow them for assistance. This way the truck traveling through Groenlandia simply follows the path opened the day before […]
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Domic Gill a 28 years old guy had a plan: travel all the way down from Alaska to South America. The really true idea was how he made it. Domic started his journey with a tandem and a trailer. The tandem gave him a spare seat so he could share […]
Qualche giorno di ferie/lavoro per la spedizione di alcuni amici in Inghilterra. Si parte da Torino all’alba alla volta di Longbridge, UK. Il raduno IMM avverrà davanti allo stabilimento storico della Mini (oggi sede della Rover) di Longbridge. Mini da tutto il mondo parteciperanno ad un raduno storico tutto da […]